Digi-Med Blood Pressure Analyzer (BPA-400) is a compact microprocessor-based
instrument which measures and analyzes blood pressures (systolic, diastolic
and mean) and heart rate in research animals. (Pulse pressure is calculated
and displayed within the DMSI-200 host software). It acquires high-sample-rate
data from a nanoliter-volume transducer and processes the signal waveforms within
milliseconds to provide instantaneous analyzed values.
The researcher can now concentrate on data interpretation, not post-experiment
calculations with possible human error in stripchart or computer screen scanning.
The Digi-Med BPA can be used in acute and chronic experiments. Each compact
module functions either as a stand-alone single unit or with other Digi-Med
instruments in integrated PC-based monitoring systems.
Data is simultaneously displayed on the digital front panel and the host PC
monitor at user-selected intervals, with optional outputs to a stripchart recorder,
oscilloscope or compact thermal printer.
The host PC can then be used for subsequent statistical analysis by spreadsheet
and database software.
Unlike polygraphs and
tail-cuff systems, the Digi-Med BPA provides equally accurate measures of
systolic, diastolic and true mean arterial pressure (MAP), enabling the researcher
to reliably interpret physiologic causes for changes in the various pressures.
Equiprecise analysis of all three pressures permits inferences about the heart
and periphery which are not otherwise revealed. Accurate measure-ment, even
in smaller animals like mice with very high heart rates, is ensured by the
small-compliance transducer coupled with a 1,000 points-per-second data-sampling
The BPA obtains true MAP by perform-ing a digital integration of the pressure
waveform rather than by simple range calculations based only on systolic and
diastolic pressures. True MAP is crucial to identifying cardiovascular conditions
such as aortic aneurism, atherosclerosis, and peripheral vasoconstriction.
Digi-Med is a registered trademark of Micro-Med, Inc. ©1997 Micro-Med Inc.
Dimensions: 5.75 in high, 10 in wide, 9.5 in deep, incl. cable clearance.
Weighs under 9 lb.
Pressure Range: -50 to +350 mmHg .
Frequency Response: 45 cycles/sec after amplification of microvoltages
from transducer, followed by microprocessor sampling at 1,000 points/sec and
front panel display at half-sec intervals.
Balance & calibration: Push-button with analyzer retention of factors
even when turned off and unplugged.
Warranty: One-year limited warranty.
Transducer Package: TXD-310 fixed-dome transducer, holder and 13-ft exten-sion
cable with excitation from analyzer at +2.5 volts DC and ultra-low compli-ance
of 0.023 nanoliters per mmHg.
Cardiovascular System Integrator: Software, plug-in board and cables to
link one or more BPAs with other analyzers in a computerized multi-channel
Analog Output Package: Internal cir-cuitry and 10-ft shielded cable to
output instantaneous pressure as an analog 0-to-10 volt signal to an analog
recorder or CRT oscilloscope.
Printer: 80-column thermal printer and cable.